PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the Site Plan Review Regulations of the Town of Chester, the Town of Chester Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 7 p.m. at the Town Municipal Center, 6307 State Route 9, Chestertown, New York 12817 to consider the following application(s):

#SPR2024-10: Nick Perrone Trucking and Excavating, LLC is seeking Site Plan Review approval to use the existing garage for storage and in-house repairs of trucks and equipment. The proposal also involves the construction of bins for the retail sale of landscape materials (i.e. mulch, topsoil, decorative stones, etc.), use of the existing office, installation of new signage and relocation of the existing 10’ x 10’ storage shed. The property is located at 6249 State Route 9, identified by Tax Map Parcel #: 104.14-1-44.1, in Zoning District Hamlet.

Zoom Meeting details will be posted on the Town Calendar and included in the Meeting Agenda on the Town of Chester Website:

The above application(s) are open for inspection by e-mail zoning [at] or calling the Planning and Zoning Office at (518) 494-3769. Any persons wishing to appear at such hearings may do so in person or via Zoom, by Attorney or other representative, or send communications in writing in relation thereto to the Town of Chester Planning Board, P.O. Box 423, Chestertown, N.Y. 12817 or to zoning [at] no later than Friday, August 16, 2024, 12 p.m. noon.

By order of:

Paul Little


Town of Chester

Planning Board

Dated:  July 24, 2024




            The Bond Resolution which is summarized below was adopted by the Chester Town Board on February 13, 2024.  The Bond Resolution was adopted subject to permissive referendum, and no petition for referendum was filed within the 30-day period.  The validity of the obligations authorized by the Bond Resolution may be contested only if (i) the obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Chester is not authorized to expend money or (ii) the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty (20) days after the date of publication of this notice, or (iii) such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the State Constitution.

            The specific object or purpose for which the obligations authorized by the Bond Resolution are to be issued is the construction of a Highway Garage, including related preliminary and incidental costs (the "Project").  The maximum estimated cost of the Project is $7,000,000.  The weighted period of probable usefulness of the Project is 24.6651 years, pursuant to Section 11(a)(11) of the Local Finance Law.  For the purpose of paying a portion the cost of the Project, the Bond Resolution authorized the issuance of serial bonds and/or bond anticipation notes, including renewals of the bond anticipation notes, of the Town up to a maximum amount of $7,000,000, the maximum maturity of which will not exceed 24.6651 years.  A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations as they become due and payable will be levied on all the taxable real property of the Town annually.  A full copy of the Bond Resolution will be available for public inspection during normal business hours for twenty (20) days following publication of this Summary at the offices of the Town Clerk, 6307 State Route 9, Chestertown, New York.

Mindy Conway, Town Clerk

Town of Chester

Dated: April 2, 2024




The Town of Chester will begin its Black Fly Control Program on March 15, 2024 and end on July 10, 2024.  We are requesting your permission to treat streams on your property within the Town.  The product label may be found at VectoBac 12AS Label (  Bioconservation Inc. is the company doing the applications.  NYS DEC business registration number is 13663.

Contact Kathy Vanselow at blackflybti [at] if you have any objections, comments or concerns.

Mindy Conway

Chester Town Clerk 

Dated: March 7, 2024


Public Notification for Copper Action Level Exceedance
Pottersville Water District - NY5600110
(July - December 2023)


Our water system recently exceeded a drinking water standard. Although this is not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened, what you should do, and what we are doing to correct this situation.

We routinely sample water at consumers' taps for lead and copper. First draw samples were collected from 10 homes/buildings served by the Pottersville Water District water system in November 2023. The test results show that copper was detected above the regulatory action level in 2 of these samples. The regulatory action level is based on the 90th percentile of results meaning that if more than 10% of the samples exceed the action level, steps must be taken to address the problem. The regulatory limit for copper in drinking water is 1.3 mg/1. The 90th percentile for samples collected in June was 1.39 mg/1.

We treat the water caustic soda raise the pH and add phosphate to provide corrosion control. 

New York State and federal drinking water regulations require that standard health effects information be distributed whenever a drinking water standard is exceeded. This information is presented below.


Copper is an essential nutrient, but some people who drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over a relatively short amount of time could experience gastrointestinal distress. Some people who drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over many years could suffer liver or kidney damage. People with Wilson's Disease should consult their doctor.

The results are for first draw samples, meaning the samples are collected immediately following at least 6 hours of nonuse at a kitchen or bathroom tap. levels of copper, and lead, may be reduced by flushing your tap for several seconds, or until the water runs cold, whenever it has not been used for several hours.

If you have further questions or concerns, you can contact the New York State Department of Health Glens Falls District Office at 518-793-3893. Additional information is available on the Environmental Protection Agency website at:


Senior Citizens Low Income Exemption Notice


It’s That Time Again.  March 1, 2024 is the Deadline to either Apply or Renew for Senior Property Tax Exemptions.

If your property in the Town of Chester is your “Legal Residence” -- i.e. living there at least six (6) months out of the year and you do not receive any exemptions for any other property you might own either in New York or other state -- and you are at least 65 years old (or turning 65 during this year) you may qualify for an exemption that would reduce future property tax bills. 

Eligibility is based on the owner’s (including spouse’s) annual income.  Income includes total Social Security, Pensions, Wages, Interest, etc.  The maximum amount that you can earn is $37,399 to qualify for a County exemption and $32,399 to qualify for a Town exemption. This is GROSS income, not NET income. 

Applicants must provide income statements for tax year 2022 along with proof of age and residency as well as submit a completed application RP-467 which is available on-line or at our office. 

If you believe you might qualify for the exemptions, you may contact the Assessor’s office at (518) 494-3515 during business hours.  

All paperwork MUST be received by the Assessor's office by no later than March 1st, 2024.  Incomplete Applications WILL NOT be processed. 

[NOTE: If you already receive the Senior Exemption, you can disregard this notice.  Also note, this is NOT for the STAR exemption]